Saturday, August 31, 2013

David Ellis campaign website found

A campaign website has been established for David Ellis, recently slated by the Cook County Democratic Party as its candidate for the Murphy vacancy on the Appellate Court. That's a link to the site in the preceding sentence; a link has been added to the blog Sidebar as well.

David Ellis is perhaps best known to the public as the prosecutor in the impeachment trial of former Gov. Rod Blagojevich and as an author of mystery and suspense novels. These are mentioned on the home page of the Ellis campaign site, but that page also touts the candidate's Qualified rating from the Chicago Bar Association. The CBA rating states, in part, that Ellis "has experience in complex commercial litigation, legislative drafting, and appellate practice. Mr. Ellis has excellent writing skills and has authored ethical opinions, briefs, and legal memoranda used in the legislative process."

As for his book writing, Ellis writes on his campaign website,
My literary pursuits are a fun diversion from my main work as a lawyer and have helped to make me a better rounded person by requiring that I imagine the way my characters see the world, consider how their experiences and histories shaped their beliefs, and construct plausible motivations for the actions they take. Everyone has a story, in the world of fiction and in real life, and I've learned that first impressions do not always hold up under a more systematic examination of the facts.

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