Thursday, January 03, 2008

IVI-IPO posts 2008 judicial primary endorsements

The Independent Voters of Illinois - Independent Precinct Organization (IVI-IPO) has announced its endorsements for the upcoming primary. Here are the IVI-IPO Circuit Court endorsements:

Countywide Races:
Disko Vacancy -- Dennis J. Burke
Glowacki Vacancy -- Jesse G. Reyes
Keehan Vacancy -- Marilyn F. Johnson
Lott Vacancy -- Thomas J. Byrne
Montelione Vacancy -- Debra B. Walker
Murphy Vacancy -- Paula M. Lingo
Nowicki Vacancy -- Michael B. Hyman

Subcircuit Races:
1st Subcircuit (Turkington Vacancy) -- Laguina Clay-Clark

5th Subcircuit (Bush Vacancy) -- Furmin D. Sessons
5th Subcircuit (“A” Vacancy)-- Stephen Stern

7th Subcircuit (Young Vacancy) -- David H. Latham

8th Subcircuit (Sheehan Vacancy) -- James A. Shapiro

10th Subcircuit (Kowalski Vacancy) -- James Edward Snyder
10th Subcircuit (Morrissey Vacancy) -- Diana L. Kenworthy
10th Subcircuit (Pucinski Vacancy) -- Kenneth L. Fletcher

12th Subcircuit (Devlin Vacancy) -- Michael John Halloran

15th Subcircuit (A Vacancy) -- Anna Helen Demacopoulos

Note that the IVI-IPO seems to have passed on making endorsements for the Thomas and Healy vacancies countywide and on the vacancies in the 4th, 6th and 13th Subcircuits.

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